Good day clan.Since when this site was created last December of 2010,I laid some goals,expectations and objectives and hopefully we can meet all of these.I personally had a "eureka!" in my mind when I visited my lolo's house at Mandurriao when my uncle ronie suggested that it's better to trace our roots and finally setting up a so called "Family Tree".I knew that Sutacio Clan is really a big clan.Is it possible?Of coarse yes.hmmm..what do you think?As we all know that our beloved place "Sta.Barbara" is our home as where our ancestors came from.In any walks of life,and others were already living abroad for good,we should not forget our roots as a term I should coined as "Angkan".My colleagues will going to set up a questionnaire about the possible tracing of our clan.This will be distributed as soon as this survey questionnaire is already available and finalized.We come to call it "SUTACIO CLAN QUESTIONNAIRES".
Our Official Fan Page in Facebook will be our mode of bulletin to news and quick related announcements.
Okay,while setting up this plan I need some few people to assist me for the following fields:
Important: All positions below are non compensated and we do not offer jobs.Voluntarily and willingness are in this objectives to those who are just willing.Foods and allowance are given as long as enough funds available.Qualifications are as follows:
1.Must be a member of Sutacio Clan,a self proud Sutacio
2.Must be living in Iloilo and have courage to help.
3.Must be 17 years of age.
4.For the account staff,she/he should be trusted and any finance background would be a plus.
>Survey Assistant
>Fundraising Officers
>Account Clan Staff
Please let us know if there is any suggestions would you like share and we are happy to give you a response.
Click the contact button below to send your comments,suggestions,and questions regarding this plan.
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